Terms & Conditions: Understand Your Enrollment

www.english4all.academy is operated by Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited. Access and use of this website is subject to these Terms and Conditions.


  • By accessing or using any part of the website, or our copyrighted products, or our services, you represent that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the following Terms and Conditions including any future modifications. Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited may amend, update, or change these Terms and Conditions at any time. When we make changes or modifications, we will inform you accordingly by posting a notice indicating the changes made. The date of such changes or modifications will be indicated at the bottom of the page. Any revisions to these Terms and Conditions will become effective the first time you access or use the website after such changes. If you do not agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions, you are not authorized to use or access the website, or our copyrighted products, or our services.

  • We endeavor to maintain the quality of our services and products to the best of our ability, but we do not guarantee the same.
  • We may appoint tutors, personnel, or third parties in delivering our services or products.
  • You agree that our obligation is limited to our using reasonable care in selecting our tutors, personnel, or third parties. You agree that Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited will not be held responsible for the actions or omissions of tutors, personnel, or third parties.
  • “Terms and Conditions for Institutions” means the terms and conditions related to different educational, service, or occupational institutions. Such terms and conditions could vary from institution to institution. Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited reserves the sole right to offer specific terms and conditions to different institutions that may or may not agree to those offered to others. No argument will be entertained in this regard.
  • The word “brochure” means any online material produced by Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited that provides information related to our products and or our services.
  • The term “online class” means either an On Demand Online Class or a Scheduled Online Class provided by Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited.
  • An On Demand Online Class is meant to be accessed only by the person who has signed up for the class.
  • A Scheduled Online Class is meant to be accessed on a predetermined date only by the person who has signed up for the class.
  • Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited reserves the right to recover any reasonable debt collection costs in connection with its service or the sale of its products.
  • You may not assign or sub-contract any of your rights or obligations mentioned in the order confirmation email or in the Terms and Conditions for Institutions to any third party unless agreed to by Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited in writing and duly signed by the Director of Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited.
  • Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited may assign, transfer or sub-contract any of its rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions to any third party at its discretion.
  • You must not engage any faculty or tutor or company or agency to serve you independently or contact any such entity privately and disrupt trade practice by paying them a separate fee and taking special assistance without the written approval from Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited.
  • Any notices required to be served on you by Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited under these Terms and Conditions will be deemed properly served if emailed to the email address you informed Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited or posted to the address you informed Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited.
  • A notice sent to you is deemed to be given on the day it was emailed to you or on the day it was posted to your address as evidenced by the sender.
  • The Contract between you and Lingua Educare Private Limited as evidenced by the order confirmation email or the Terms and Conditions for Institutions will be concluded only in English.

How to avail yourself of our services and products

  • To avail yourself of our services and products you must provide the required information and pay the specified amount for the selected course/s or product/s mentioned on the website. Do ensure that the information you provide is complete and accurate.
  • When you subscribe to our services or purchase our products, you agree to maintain the confidentiality of any login information associated with any account you use to access our resources and for all activities that occur under your account.
  • We will be legally bound to provide you access to the services you subscribe to only when you get an order confirmation email from Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited. Accessing or attempting to access any of our Resources other than the Free Resources mentioned in our website by any means other than through the means we provide is strictly prohibited. You specifically agree not to access or attempt to access any of our Resources through any automated, unethical, or unapproved means.
  • Engaging in any activity that disrupts or interferes with our Resources, including but not limited to improper behavior in an individual or group class or interfering or disrupting the servers and or networks to which our Resources are connected or in which they are located, is strictly prohibited.
  • Attempting to copy, duplicate, reproduce, sell, trade, or resell our resources is strictly prohibited. You are solely responsible for any consequences, losses, or damages that Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited may directly or indirectly incur or suffer due to any unauthorized activities conducted by you or under your watch, as explained above, and you may incur criminal or civil liability for the same.
  • When you subscribe to any of our services or purchase any of our products, we will send you an email confirming the same. This order confirmation email, or Terms and Conditions for Institutions document, mentioning the details of your subscription or purchase constitutes the entire agreement between Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited and you. This order confirmation email will supersede and replace any other terms and conditions previously published by us and any other understanding, undertaking, representation, warranty, arrangement, promise or statement of any nature whatsoever made by us to you, whether oral, written or otherwise, relating to the service you subscribe to or the product you purchase. You acknowledge that you have not relied on any understanding, undertaking, representation, warranty, arrangement, promise or statement made or given by us or on our behalf, which is not set out in the order confirmation email or in the Terms and Conditions for Institutions document.
  • If you subscribe to more than one service or purchase more than one product, each such service or product will be treated by Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited as a separate subscription or purchase. Acceptance of your offer to subscribe to one or more services will not be an acceptance by Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited as an offer to subscribe to any other service or purchase any other product that is not mentioned in the order confirmation email or in the Terms and Conditions for Institutions document..
  • We reserve the right, in our sole and absolute discretion and without the need to give a reason, to refuse to accept an offer to subscribe to any of our services or to purchase any of our products.
  • Before a Contract comes into existence between you and us, we reserve the right to increase or decrease the advertised Course Fee for any of our services or the price of any of our products and/or to amend any of the information contained in the services or products listed on our website. We also reserve the right to withdraw at any time any of the services or products advertised for sale on the Website and/or in any Brochure. The order confirmation email or the Terms and Conditions for Institutions document will mention the status of the service you subscribe to or the product you purchase.
  • Please check the details on the order confirmation email or the Terms and Conditions for Institutions document when you receive it.

Our content, classes, and other services or products

  • The description of our audio-visual, animated content, our services like Writing Upload Service, Online/Offline Classes, and any other product or service mentioned on the Website and/or in any relevant Brochure will detail out the same.
  • Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited reserves the right to offer either online or offline classes or both to any institution or at any place of its choosing. Whether to provide online or offline classes or both to any institution or at any place is the sole prerogative of Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited.
  • Except as mentioned in the description of any of our services or products on the Website and/or in any relevant Brochure or in any Terms and Conditions for Institutions (applicable only to the concerned institution), no additional assistance in the form of Course Materials and/or tutoring help (either online or classroom) will be provided by Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited.
  • In the order confirmation email or the Terms and Conditions for Institutions (applicable only to the concerned institution) from Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited, you will be notified of the duration of your access to the service/product you have subscribed to, the Start Date, and the End Date.
  • If any of our services or products are amended, changed, or removed, we will mention the same on our website. The changed conditions will apply thereafter from the date mentioning such changes coming into force.
  • The receipt of any of our services or products is specifically meant for the person subscribing for such service or product and, unless otherwise agreed by Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited, the person subscribing to such service or product may not share or transfer his or her rights to access our services or products to any other person. An exception is made for a parent or guardian who may purchase our services or products for his or her son, daughter, or ward. Exception is also made to institutions who purchase our services or products for their students, employees, or members. In all cases, intended recipients of our services and/or products are forbidden from sharing login credentials, including but not limited to ids and passwords.
  • You may incur charges from your internet service provider while you are accessing our services and/or products. downloading the Course Materials. Charges may also be payable to third parties for use of the software necessary to access and/or purchase our products. Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited will not be held responsible for any such charges. Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited will also not be held responsible for internet outages at your end or for any other systemic or technical problems resulting in inability to access our services.
  • We endeavor to keep our website up and running at all times. However, since we depend on third parties for hosting our website and storing our content, we will not be responsible for technical issues faced by such parties and consequent drop in service.
  • Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited maintains a zero tolerance policy with regards to inappropriate user behaviour. We do not accept abusive or violent behaviour directed at our staff or other users and unfair or dishonest practices under any circumstances. Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited may, after applying due diligence, stop or prevent any such user from accessing its services or purchasing any of its products. In such circumstances, Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited will not have any liability or obligation to refund any Course Fee or any Service Fee or money for products purchased.
  • We reserve the right to monitor IP addresses that are used to access our services or purchase our products and, if a user is found to be in contravention of the access rules mentioned above, we may terminate the user’s access to our services or products. In such circumstances, no refund will be given.

Changes, enhancements, or modifications to our services or products

At regular intervals, Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited may make changes, enhancements, or modifications to its services or products. You will have access to such changes free of charge only to the extent that such changes relate to the service subscribed to or product purchased by you.

Regarding technical support and access

  • You accept and acknowledge that periods of downtime may occur with regards to the information technology infrastructure connected to the Website and that technical assistance may not be available during such periods of downtime. Further you accept that you will not have a claim for breach of contract or otherwise in such cases.
  • Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited will endeavor to make its online resources, services, and products available at all times but cannot guarantee uninterrupted, timely or error-free availability or that defects will always be corrected. Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited reserves the right to suspend access to the Website for scheduled or emergency maintenance, repairs or upgrades to improve the performance or functionality of the Website.
  • You also accept and acknowledge that Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited cannot be held responsible for any delay or disruptions to your access to our online services or products as a result of such suspension or any of the following:

    (a) the operation of the internet and the world wide web, including but not limited to viruses
    (b) any firewall restrictions that have been placed on your network or the computer you are using to access our online services or products
    (c) failure of telecommunication links and equipment
    (d) browser issues

Our Warranties

  • Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited will provide the required assistance for its services like online and offline classes and Writing Upload Service as mentioned in the website or in the Terms and Conditions for Institutions.
  • Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited expects you to take reasonable care to verify that the services subscribed to or products purchased will meet your needs. Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited does not make any commitment to you that you will obtain any particular result from your use of its services or from purchasing its products or that you will obtain any particular qualification upon completion of any course (unless otherwise stated on the Website and/or in any relevant Terms and Conditions for Institutions).
  • Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited does not make any representation, guarantee or commitment to you that its services or products will be error-free.
  • Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited does not make any commitment that its services or products will be compatible with or operate with your software or hardware.
  • All representations, warranties and/or terms and/or commitments not expressly set out in the order confirmation email or in any relevant Terms and Conditions for Institutions document (whether implied by law, conduct, statute or otherwise) are hereby excluded to the maximum extent permissible by law.

Our Limitation of Liability

The exclusions and limitations of liability contained in the order confirmation email or Terms and Conditions for Institutions or Terms and Conditions on this page do not apply to a party’s liability: (i) for fraud or wilful default; (ii) for death or personal injury caused by its negligence; or (iii) where such limitation or exclusion cannot lawfully be excluded.

Except as set out in the order confirmation email or Terms and Conditions for Institutions, Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited shall not be responsible for losses that result from its failure to comply with its services including, but not limited to, losses that fall into the following categories:

  • (a) indirect or consequential losses;
  • (b) loss of income or revenue
  • (c) loss of business;
  • (d) loss of anticipated savings; or
  • (e) data loss or data corruption.

Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited is not responsible for any data that you lose either as a result of accessing its services or products or during the subscription or completion of any course provided.

Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited is not responsible for the data you hold on your computer, laptop, or mobile device from which you are accessing our services or purchasing our products.

Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited will not be held responsible for any delay or failure to comply with its obligations if the delay or failure arises from any cause which is beyond Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited’s reasonable control. This condition does not affect your statutory rights.

Our Disclaimer

Our services and products are for improving English language skills only. Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited will not accept any responsibility to any party for the use of its services or products for any purpose other than for improving English language skills, including but not limited to, the giving of advice by you to any third party.

The description of any of our services or products constitutes only an indication of what the service or product is supposed to achieve. Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited will endeavor to accomplish the purposes thus described but does not guarantee the same.

Regarding Intellectual Property

At all times, Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited remains the owner of the intellectual property of its products and services. Other than as specified below, none of its services or products, nor any part thereof may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited.

All content and materials available on www.english4all.academy, including but not limited to text, graphics, website name, code, images and logos are the intellectual property of Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited and are protected by applicable copyright and trademark law. Any inappropriate use, including but not limited to the reproduction, distribution, display or transmission of any content on this site is strictly prohibited, unless specifically authorized by Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited.

If not clearly mentioned in the order confirmation email, or Terms and Conditions for Institutions, or agreed to by Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited, you may not modify, copy, reproduce, re-publish, sub-licence, merge, translate, disassemble, decompile, recompile or reverse engineer any software forming part of our services, resources, or products or create derivative works based on the whole of or any part, or which incorporate our resources, services, or products into any software program. Accessing our services, products, or resources and using them for purposes not mentioned in the order confirmation email, or Terms and Conditions for Institutions, are strictly prohibited and will constitute an infringement of either Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited’s copyright or Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited’s other intellectual property rights.

Our Data Protection and Privacy

Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited will process the information it receives from you or otherwise holds about you in accordance with its privacy policy and you consent to the use by Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited of such information in accordance with Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited’s privacy policy.

What happens in case of Inconsistency in Terms and Conditions

In case of conflict between these Terms and Conditions and the ones mentioned in the order confirmation email or Terms and Conditions for Institutions or in any other area of the website, the conflict shall be resolved according to the following order of priority

  1. Terms and Conditions for Institutions
  2. Terms and Conditions in the order confirmation email
  3. Terms and Conditions mentioned on this page; and
  4. Terms and Conditions in any other area of the website

About Cancellation and Refund

Cancellation of any order placed is not possible once the payment has been made. No refunds will be given except in the event of cancellation or non-performance of service by Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited. For additional information, please refer to the Cancellation and Refund Policy.

Our Governing Law

www.english4all.academy is owned by Lingua Anglica Educare Private Limited, Bangalore, India. You hereby agree to personal jurisdiction by the judicial system of India and waive any jurisdictional, venue, or inconvenient forum objections to the Indian judicial system.

You agree that these Terms and Conditions contain a mandatory arbitration of disputes provision that requires the use of arbitration on an individual basis to resolve disputes, rather than resorting to lawsuits.

How to contact us

If you have any questions or comments about these Terms and Conditions as outlined above, feel free to email: contact@english4all.academy